Thursday, January 12, 2012

Letting go.

So your best friend started dating the guy she knew you liked or your boyfriend cheated on  you, or maybe you lost a friend due to some fall out. We just can't get over how the person disappointed us, we  hold a grudge against the person, some last while and others last a lifetime.And when we have that anger, that grudge, that disappointment, we just can't let go of it.

We should learn to let go, let go of the past, let go of grudges.Yes, the person we loved and/or trusted let us down, they hurt us  and there's no way we can forgive them.There's a saying that "It's the people we love the most that hurt us the most", this is because of the level of trust we have for them, for example it is  difficult to let go of a failed relationship because the attraction and feelings are still there but holding grudges over past issues doesn't help in moving on .

Some may say "Okay, yes I've forgiven her but I can never forget what she did". And yes, you  actually can not forget because it's mentally impossible to forget what happened to you especially if it had a great impact in your life, your brain will keep that record of it, but when we talk about 'Forgive and Forget', forgetting here means not holding what the person did against them anymore, not judging them based on your past experience with them. As people we tend to view or judge people based on what we previously knew about them, and even if they change we refuse to recognize that change in them. It shouldn't be that way, give them the benefit of doubt, put yourself in their shoes if you have to and try to look pass what you think you know about them. And if you're on the other side, that is if you're the one that did the offending and you've truly changed let them see that change in you.

In order to move on to the new, you've got to let go of the old, it's like a growing process. So if there's someone in your life that has disappointed you in anyway, you need to move on and let go. You sure don't want to carry any emotional baggage with you everywhere.

For some, it's letting go of a loved one that passed away and for years gone by the memory of them still linger on because you can never forget them, but you have to let go and know that letting go doesn't mean forgetting. This is where you need to Let go and Let God.


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year


Welcome to 2012 people, this year is going to be awesome!!! 
Let's not tear up our new year resolutions, yes i know we each have a long list that we'll be deceiving ourselves with, at the end of the year we'll count how many we could actually stick to :)

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Holidays

Merry Christmas in arrears to all.

So i couldn't go home for the holidays, i know i was missed :( . Regardless i still managed to have a wonderful time, as i am not such a great cook my friends cooked all sorts of dishes and came over, we all stuffed our faces until we could barely getup from the chair. One of my friends didn't have a good time though, her visa was delayed so she was stuck with the rest of us for Christmas, hopefully she still won't get it  before the new year hehehehe.

All my merriment however became sour as the news of the bombings came in one by one, how sad that so many people died, may their souls rest in peace.

Now the new year is almost here, yay! i'm so excited, if anyone saw the movie 2012 you know 2012 is when the world is going to end loll, anyone remember the Y2K frenzy? hehehe, when the world was suppose to end in 2000? i'm sure you all did a lot of crazy things like turning off all the electronics because we were told they wouldn't be Y2K complaint. Well by the grace of God we'll all be alive to see how 2012 will be, at least everyone in Africa is safe apparently that's the only continent that would be spared personally i'm really looking forward to the new year, so many goodies waiting for me there :D

See ya'll in the new year!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Let's just cheer him up

Let's just cheer him up or cheer her up, thats what we say often times when a friend seems sad. Then its been 2weeks, 4weeks, months never a smile on his face, begins to act strange and we start getting a bit worried "we really need to cheer him up" thats what we say. We can see he seems sad but we ignore all the signs that point out that it could be a liitle more than just him feeling sad.

I recently realized that depression is not something we Africans take seriously, more often than not when people display signs of depression we tend to think we can make it go away by cheering them up. We take them out, buy things for them try to amuse them and get them out of the funk they are in, none of it works. Even when their characters change and we really beging to worry, we are mostly thinking "ahhh its spiritual oh, how can somebody be behaving like this?" Now i'm not disputing that it could be spiritual but hey if it is shouldn't we make sure they seek the required help?

Nobody really takes depression seriously or seem to understand how someone could be so "sad" that they'll decide to kill themself.  Its so selfish, how can he/she not think of his/her family, how can he/she not think of his friend, all the people that care about him/her. We seem to forget that depression is a disease, would we ignore someone with cancer or any other terminal illness and say just walk it off or lets just give it time it'll get better? no we would not we would send them straight to the doctor, monitor their treatment and make sure they take their meds. We should realize depression is no different, these people too should be taken to the doctor, placed on meds, be monitored and given psychiatric help.

Personally i think its really sad that anyone has to loose their life due to depression ok not loose their life, -it wasn't stolen- take their life just out of plain ignorance, not ignorance of their situation, but ignorance of its severity and consequences. Everyone deserves a fighting chance for their life.

Rest in peace to the young one that is no longer with us as a result of this disease, it is very very sad, despite all the help everyone around him gave, tried their best to make it better, no one realized it was more severe than they ever imagined. He jumped in front of a moving train.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fresh Blogger

Lemme start by saying i'll be blogging about anything and everything, my blog has no specific theme. Yes i'm very random like that. This is my very first post and it will be about NOTHING. Is this suppose to be in the 'about' tab? i dunno, i'm new to this.

So i decided to join the blogging bandwagon mostly out of hmmm i wanna share my thoughts

Yeah i have a lot of thoughts in my head and since most of them are dumb its always better i keep them where they belong, in my head. Whenever i share my thoughts people around me mostly think i'm weird plus i'm not really the sharing type, somehow when i do decide to share i end up sharing with a complete stranger whom ends up thinking 'TMI i dont know you that well to be hearing all that' while i at the end of the day feel like i've done something inappropriate, oh wellz its life.

As i was saying before i got side tracked with talking about myself (i'm one of those people that turn whatever conversation you want to talk about to become about me, yes i'm that girl *covers face with palm*) so i decided to start blogging so i can share my thoughts, and speak my mind to a blank box on my computer. Yes iv'e tried writing on a blank word document on my computer. You would think that would be enough for me if all i want is to share my thoughts and speak my mind, well no its not enough mostly because no one gets so read it hence i dont get anybody's opinion on it. No i dont care about other people's opinions, anybody that knows me knows that, i 'm just curious about what other people's takes are.

End of first post, as i cant come up with anything to write about.